
H.H.第三世多杰羌佛的工巧明中國畫: 稀絕珍獸熊貓
此幅中國畫作品: 前景小竹子和後面的霧氣形成立體空間強烈地對比 , 不同遠近的大小熊貓們自由自在地在玩耍 , 毛茸茸的軟綿綿的熊貓毛令人想要親近碰觸, 從梅花樹枝空間竄出的涼爽霧氣讓人想一探梅花林後面的森林,感受天朗氣清 , 沁人心脾 , 感覺在遠處別有洞天。
Various techniques were used in this painting entitled “Majesty” in order to enable viewers to see clearly the fur of this gallant lion and his cubs. Brush touches of various degrees of thickness and thinness were applied. Stone-based coloring material used in Chinese paintings was also applied. Every stroke of the brush became a separate hair. The process required much labor. Such a painting takes one to two years to complete. In short, a long time and painstaking effort are needed. The mighty lion in this painting is in a lying pose with a majestic, awe-inspiring appearance that shakes the skies and land. Large-scale freehand brushwork was used to paint the rock and trees in the surrounding scene. The versatile skills of the artist are fully evidenced. The brushwork was completed in a mature, vigorous, bold, and spontaneous way. Naturally imbued in this surrounding scene are the profound literary and other talents of the artist. Painting mastery was reached in depicting this very appealing surrounding scene in which what appears chaotic is not in disorder and what appears somewhat real is abstract. Experts in calligraphy can see that each brush stroke used to paint the huge rock on which the lion lies was applied with a free and unfettered hand. Calligraphic skills were used with the effect of painting. Painting skills were used to bring out the spirit of the work. Brush techniques were applied to express charm and power. Calligraphy and painting unite in this one work of art. This artistic treasure contains energetic strokes and embodies a grand artistic conception. Its style belongs to the “Kuangxi” style of painting.
為了使觀賞者更加清晰地觀賞這幅名為“威震”的作品,羌佛運用了多種繪畫技巧來呈現畫中這頭勇猛獅子的毛髮,以及它周圍的幼崽。羌佛用筆刷將各種厚度及細度的層次感清晰得展現出來。畫中基石的著色運用了中國畫的手法,使得獅子的毛髮根根分明。由於其特殊的工藝及繪畫手法,這樣的一幅作品需要一到兩年才能完成。簡而言之,這是一幅需要持久力及耐力才能完成的作品。 這幅畫中威武的獅子是以一種臥躺的莊嚴姿勢來呈現的,其令人驚歎的外觀,震動天地。基石與周圍的樹木等場景均使用了寫意手法。由此可見,羌佛的繪畫手法不但多樣化,且功力深厚。羌佛成熟的手法,大膽的創意顯露無疑。對於周圍自然場景的刻畫,將羌佛在文學方面的深厚功底與過人的藝術天賦完全顯現出來了。同時,羌佛以抽象的手法來締造周圍場景真實交錯的視覺效果。此外,書法行家可以看出羌佛以自由、無拘無束的筆觸將岩石與獅子刻畫地如此生動、逼真。書法的精神與魅力在羌佛的筆下隨處可見。作品中書法和繪畫技巧被巧妙得融為一體。這幅藝術寶藏向世人詮釋了其宏偉的意境與獨特的中國風味。這種風格屬於“獷細派”。
The “Kuangxi” Style Such paintings fuse rough and precise artistry. The roughest, most rigid, most vigorous brush strokes of the large-scale freehand style are masterfully combined with the fine, delicate brush strokes of the realistic style, resulting in elegance amid roughness. 獷細派——即是粗獷結合細微兩種不同技法,以最粗獷剛硬蒼勁的大寫結合微細工筆於一體,得之出神入化,曠中顯秀。
